Monday, March 16, 2015

Look Unto Me in Every Thought, Doubt Not, Fear Not - Feb. 9, 2015

Hey Family!!

  It's so good to hear from you guys! From basketball games, to finishing a basement it sounds like you guys have been pretty busy. Are you guys still having really warm weather? It's been really sunny here and the evenings are getting lighter and lighter. I love it!! It's still pretty cold but when you stand in the sun it's a lot better :) I can't believe that it's already time for youth conference! February has come up so quickly and I can't believe how fast the time is going. I hit my five month mark this week! What the what?! I'm sorry I never told you about transfers but yes, I am still here. The only change we had in our district was with the Elders. Elder Beckstead went to Harborne, which is still in our stake, and Elder Myrtaj is now training Elder Mbingwana from Zimbabwe. I'm now the last one of our "original four" that started in this area! It's pretty crazy!
 This week has been awesome! We didn't have a lot of success number wise but we had some really cool lessons with some amazing people. My favourite one was probably with Shah. I think I told you guys about him last week. We went to have a lesson with him and his family at their home but after we got there and sat down we realized that it was basically just with him. Hah kind of awkward. Then he just started firing off questions at us! He is a very animated person and sometimes I lose track of what he is saying because he is making so many faces and his hands are flying everywhere haha. But we were able to answer a lot of his questions and taught him about the Restoration. We got to the end of the lesson and talked with him about prayer and how he can come to know for himself if the things that we have taught him, as well as the Book of Mormon, are true. He was really excited about it! We got down on our knees and began teaching him how we pray. In the mean time, his young daughter and probably fourteen year old son came in to the room. He said, "come and pray with us!" His daughter came a knelt down but his son said no and walked back in to the other room. A couple of seconds later he popped back in and said, "okay what do I do?" It was awesome! We invited Shah to pray but he said that he wasn't ready for it. He told us to do it and that he would do it the next time. We agreed and I ended up saying the prayer. After I said it we just sat there for a couple of seconds. The spirit was so strong! Shah looked at us and smiled. He said, "I feel that peace that you were talking about." It was amazing! He has been reading the Book of Mormon ever since and says that he just feels so happy :)
  This past week we also had zone meeting. It was awesome! We talked about accountability, vision, goal setting, and using time wisely. The STLs asked us to help them in their training and we were gardeners in their role play. I was super nervous to do it but it went alright :) But we talked about how every day we are faced with choices. Some of those choices include waking up at 6.30, being on time to study, leaving the flat by 10, whether or not we are going to talk to everyone, hour long lunch and dinner breaks, and being in the flat by 9. Being accountable for these and other choices doesn't just come at the end of our missions, but from the moment we are set apart. I decided I'm going to make a big chart/spread sheet for the rest of my mission and see how things go- long accountability :)
  This weeks subject line comes from Doctrine and Covenants section 6. This week I have definitely learned how important it is to rely on the Lord. In vs. 34 in says, "Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail." If we put our trust in the Lord, and do all the good that we can, we have no need to fear. What an amazing blessing!
  I hope you guys have an amazing week! Keep up the good work and don't be afraid to share the gospel :) Thank you for your love, support, and encouragement. I love you all!!

Sister Wilde

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